mandag den 26. november 2012

Workshop: Going Back to School on Time

Workshoppen i lørdags var en succes. Der var stort fremmøde og deltagerne var meget ivrige for at debattere, hvordan lærere og elever kommer tilbage til tiden efter næste ferie.

 Her introducerer Isaac dagens program og formål

 Gruppearbejde hvor lærere, skoleinspektører, forældre, elever og education officers deler deres drømme for hvordan første skoledag kan se ud.

 Betty i den gule lapa har fire børn i skole, som hun skal købe nye skoleuniformer, nye sorte sko og nye notesbøger til hvert år. Det kan være svært at få økonomien til at slå til. 

 4. klasse elev. Gounehou er meget opmærksom og god til at tage noter

4. klasse elev med sin næsten to-årige søn på armen. Han kræver megen opmærksomhed og forhindrer ofte Florence i at følge med i undervisningen. 

Efter en succesfuld workshop er alle involverede parter i skoleåbningen nu kommet frem til, hvilke handlinger der må tages for at næste skoleåbning vil ske til tiden. Nedenfor kan I se the 'Action Plan for Going Back to School on Time', som blev udviklet under workshoppen og som alle parter tilsluttede sig:

Before the end of the school year:
-          The MOE will give the information on the next academic year and distribute the new instructional calendar to all schools.
-          The PTA Chairperson will invite to a community meeting before the school break to make sure the information on school opening is given to the students and their parents.
-          The DEO will assign new teachers and carry them to see their new communities by the end of the school year.

At the end of the break before the opening of school:
-          The MOE will distribute lesson plan books, attendance books and textbooks at least two weeks prior to school opening.
-          The DEO will follow up on whether the new assigned teachers have accepted their assignment and if accommodation is provided by the community, and pass the information to the principals.
-          The DEO will facilitate a workshop for principals on how to prepare for school opening including teaching scheduling and lesson planning in line with the orientation days planned in the instructional calendar.
-          The principal and teachers will have a week of preparation, where the teaching schedule is prepared and subjects divided by the principal, and lesson plans are prepared by the teachers.
-          The PTA Chairperson will arrange a community workday before the first day of school to take care of the cleaning of the campus and school property.
-          The PTA Chairperson will make sure the community have housing prepared for new assigned teachers and support them with food, until they are settled in.
-          The parents prepare their children with copybooks and uniforms.
-          The students stay in their communities, because they do not want to be late for school opening.

During the first week of school opening:
-          The DEO and the Management Team (from central level) will monitor teacher attendance and lesson plan preparing.
-          The PTA will support the monitoring of teacher attendance.
-          The teachers will show up on the first day and have lesson plans prepared to teach on the first day.
-          The students will show up in clean uniforms, black shoes, and with a copybook ready to go to class and learn.

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